The surprising truth about SPF

Unveiling sun protection myths about SPF (Sun Protection Factor).

May 30, 2024 09:36 am

In a world where the sun's rays grow stronger and our time outdoors increases, understanding the nuances of sun protection is more crucial than ever. At Sundo, we're on a mission towards better sun-safety. Let’s dispel myths and shed light on the real science behind SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, and its role in our daily lives.

Key takeaways

  • Higher SPF equals greater protection, but the Difference is Subtle: SPF 50 offers about 98% UVB protection, whereas SPF 30 provides 96.7%. Yes, higher SPF means greater protection, but the difference is smaller than you might think.

  • SPF does not determine sun exposure time: SPF does not inform consumers about the time they can spend in the sun without burning. This emphasizes the need for awareness and education on sun exposure limits.

  • Regular application is crucial: regardless of the SPF, regular application of sunscreen is essential to prevent burning. Our Sundo dispensers are located nationwide to encourage and facilitate this practice.

This Sun Protection Factor isn't just a number on your sunscreen bottle; it's a critical measure of how well your skin is defended against UVB radiation. Through rigorous research, we've uncovered that higher SPF values do indeed offer greater protection, but perhaps not as much as you'd expect. For example, Williams et al. (2018), Russak et al. (2010), and Pissavini & Diffey (2013) have consistently shown that while SPF 50 blocks about 98% of UVB rays, SPF 30 isn't far behind at 96.7% protection. It's a reminder that while higher SPF provides better protection, the difference between them might be smaller than anticipated.

However, SPF's role is often misunderstood. It does not indicate how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned. This is a vital piece of information that often goes unnoticed, leading to prolonged sun exposure without adequate protection. Moreover, the effectiveness of sunscreen is significantly reduced if it's not applied correctly or in sufficient amounts, as highlighted by Faurschou & Wulf (2007) and Bimczok et al. (2007).

facts about SPF (sun protection factor)

A prevalent misconception is that a higher SPF can be a sole protector against the sun's harmful effects. Yet, studies show that relying solely on sunscreen, regardless of its SPF, might encourage longer periods spent in the sun, inadvertently increasing the risk of skin damage. Autier et al. (1999) emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to sun protection, which includes not only the application of sunscreen but also seeking shade and wearing protective clothing.

In conclusion, while SPF is a useful tool for comparing the level of protection offered by different sunscreens, it does not provide guidance on the duration of sun exposure. This is where Sundo steps in, with our smart sunscreen dispensers conveniently located nationwide, reminding everyone about the importance of regular application. It's not just about the SPF number; it's about how you use it.

Let's not forget, the key to effective sun protection lies in regular application. No matter the SPF, reapplying sunscreen is crucial to prevent burning and ensure continuous protection. That's why our Sundo dispensers are strategically placed across the country, making it easier for everyone to stay protected, anytime and anywhere.

As we embrace a comprehensive approach to sun safety, let's remember that innovation, when combined with education, paves the way for better health outcomes. Stay protected, stay informed, and let's make sun safety a priority for all.