Sunburn sucks

Hey there, sun lovers! July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and we're here to drop some knowledge bombs about sunburn and how to keep your skin safe. So, grab your shades and let’s dive in.

July 18, 2024 07:33 am

Why sunburn sucks

First things first, let’s talk about why sunburn is such a bummer. Sure, it’s painful and makes you look like a lobster, but the damage goes way deeper than that.

  • Aging fast-forward: Sunburn speeds up skin aging. Wrinkles and sunspots? No, thank you!
  • Skin cancer risk: It’s not just about looks. Sunburn is a leading cause of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and the dreaded melanoma.
  • Having 5 or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma.
  • ER visits: Over 33,000 people end up in the ER each year because of severe sunburn. Ouch!

The UV villain

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the sneaky culprit behind sunburn. It’s strong, relentless, and doesn’t care if you’re just chilling in your backyard or hitting the beach. Those rays penetrate your skin and cause damage at a cellular level.

Sunburn, the ugly truth

Got a sunburn? Here’s what’s happening to your skin:

  • Immediate damage: Within hours, your skin turns red, feels hot to the touch, and starts hurting.
  • Delayed effects: A few days later, you might start peeling. This is your body’s way of getting rid of damaged cells.
  • Long-term damage: Repeated sunburns can lead to permanent skin damage and increase your risk of skin cancer.

Burned? here’s what to do

If you do get burned, don’t freak out. Here are five ways to treat a sunburn:

- Cool down: Take a cool (not cold) bath or shower to soothe your skin.

- Moisturize: Use aloe vera or a moisturizing lotion to keep your skin hydrated.

- Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to help your skin recover.

- Protect: Stay out of the sun until your skin heals.

- Pain relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help with discomfort.

Peeling skin? here’s the deal

Your skin peels after a sunburn because it’s shedding damaged cells. While it’s tempting to speed up the process, resist the urge to peel it off. Instead, keep your skin moisturized and let it heal naturally.

Pro tips for sun safety

To lower your skin cancer risk and keep your skin looking fabulous, protect these often-missed areas:

- Ears: Apply sunscreen to the tops and behind your ears.

- Scalp: Wear a hat or use a sunscreen spray for your hairline and part.

- Neck: Don’t forget the back of your neck.

- Feet: Remember to protect the tops of your feet with sunscreen, especially if you’re wearing sandals.

Vacation vibes and slip-ups

Even the best of us can mess up our sun protection game. Here are some common slip-ups:

- Forgetting to reapply: Sunscreen isn’t a one-and-done deal. Reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

- Missing spots: Don’t forget about those often-missed areas like your ears, neck, and the tops of your feet.

- Ignoring cloudy days: UV rays can penetrate clouds, so don’t skip the sunscreen just because it’s overcast.

Sunburn is no joke, but with a little awareness and the right precautions, it’s totally preventable. So, slap on that sunscreen, seek shade, and wear protective clothing. Your skin will thank you!

Stay cool and sun-safe, folks! 🌞

For more info, check out the Skin Cancer Foundation.